
Anonymous Switzerland

It is difficult to put into words, you have to experience it, feel it and sense it yourself. The deep energy transfer, the love, the gratitude and the relief that you experience is very effective and often days later, I notice how a weight is lifted from my shoulders and my heart becomes lighter. Tears flow, but not out of sadness, but because I was able to have the experience with Maitri Light, out of gratitude, out of the inner confidence that I can now look forward to an exciting future, that the past influences me less and less and takes less and less energy from me. Thank you for everything, it means a lot to me.

Arjanna Netherlands

"I had suffered from long covid symptoms for over two months when Kriti offered to do Maitri Light with me. I had been extremely tired, had long coughing spells throughout the day and was out of breath after climbing a few stairs. Kriti did the Maitri Light energy process with me via a simple whatsapp call. The whole process was very pleasant and easeful for me and took less than 15 minutes. In the following days, I noticed my energy levels going up and my physical strength returning. Two weeks later, I moderated a full day event for the WOMEN'S HUB - something I could not have imagined doing before the Maitri Light session! "

Peeyusha, Age 39 Switzerland

I met Kriti while a medical course in psychosomatic and psychosocial medicine. We found out quickly that we had the same interest resp. aim in helping and healing people, though Kriti was much further in her way to reach this aim. Someday I told her by the way about a medical issue, I had. Kriti offered me generously to do a MaitriLight, even though she noticed my scepticisim.

About 2-3 years I was having a dry cough. As a medical doctor of course I ruled out the somatic issues, which ranged from gastroesophageal reflux to the bronchial hyperreagibility, I had. Even the psychic part I reflected honestly, which showed me a worsening of the coughing in situations, where I wanted to express something very profoundly...like I wanted to "blurt" it out through the coughing.

Anyway, I wasn’t ready to take antacids or inhale topical steroids and beta-agonists for the rest of my life, which would help but only symptomatically. So I tried a lot of non drug-related things which alleviated the situations but then, during a time, where my stress-level was very low!, it really got worse. I realized that there was a part oft he coughing which felt very very deep and had nothing to do with me and I didn’t know how to reach it, so I could have "dissolved" it. So I overcame my skepticism and tried MaitriLight.

My wish, that I phrased, was to express myself without any "somatic emphases". It would fill a whole page to describe what I felt during the session, but in short: the coughing was reduced to 95% percent after the session. I did a second MaitriLight and asked for my individual space and growth and my coughing is now gone completely! As a medical doctor, I can not explain on a pathophysiological way what happened during the sessions and my "medical mind" still doesn’t understand, but what I have and see is the result! Thank you very very much Kriti for this profound experience!

Nicole, Age 34 South Africa

Excellent teaching, presence, explanations and guidance. I loved the Maitri Sambodh Dhyaan meditation Group session in nature. The facilitation of group participation creates a safe and supportive environment. Learning techniques to be more in the present has given me greater inner strength and peace of mind.

The Maitri Light experience was performed brilliantly by kriti, I found this practice highly enlightening and profound. It gave me the gift of positive energy through powerful prayer and healing. I wasn't expecting so much difference compared to other meditations, but thoroughly benefited from it. It has changed my life. It has given me, unsurprisingly, some mindfulness. I feel generally more empowered now and I have greater tools to let go.

Through this experience I awakened to my inner self and voice and was able to let it guide me to a honest happier life and way of existence and how I am experiencing life. This intimate process involves letting go of your thoughts and feelings through the safety and doorway of a guide like Kriti to a higher power and light which transforms your energy and quenches your soul. I highly recommend this practice for anyone who is feeling emotionally stuck or dealing with inner conflict or grief. Thanks Kriti. Kriti’s voice is soothing & calming. In particular, I love the Maitri Sambodh Dhyaan meditation.

Although I already had an established mindfulness practice, the Maitri Sambodh Dhyaan meditation inspired me to add a conscious loving-kindness aspect to my practice. The meditation practice can easily be recreated anytime you feel the need to reconnect with your intuition and replenish. All the experiences or moments spent with Kriti have helped me in achieving compassion for all beings which has enhanced my quality of life and my relationships. I was able to reconnect with my truest inner self and being and it expanded my level of gratitude and compassion for life and all others. Thank you Kriti!

Nathalie, Age 25 Austria

It has now been over two months since I experienced the session with Kriti and the energy transmission. I was rather sceptical at the beginning, as I could not imagine much about it. During the ten-minute session, after an introduction and explanation, I was allowed to express a wish about which change I would like to experience. I had initially contacted Kriti because I wanted to become more stress-resistant. During the session though the wish to be more self-confident suddenly came up, which surprised me at that moment - I had always seen myself as a self-confident person!

During the process I felt pure gratitude, a feeling that overwhelmed me and continues to this day. Since then, I have experienced several situations in my life where I would not have reacted so confidently earlier. I no longer have self-doubt when new situations come my way and I am able to think positively. I no longer have a stomach ache when important conversations with other people are coming up, I no longer have a racing heart when I give a talk in front of many people and I can make decisions more easily, stand up for my opinion and I now can say "no" when it is needed. This is a very liberating feeling and if it does happen that I get doubts again, then I can still draw strength from the experience today by taking time, closing my eyes and thinking of this experience with Kriti and of Maitreya Dadashreeji. Hereby I thank you again for this beautiful experience!

Anonymous, Age 34 Switzerland

It's been such a soul touching experience - the warmth I felt is hard to describe. I came into it with the intention of calming down and reducing my anxiety. Yet, I experienced so much more - the bodily relaxation coupled with the mind being put at ease in the most loving way. I would recommend to try with whatever intention you feel like - it will be soul touching nonetheless.

Anonymous, Age 42 Netherlands

I felt very restless and at that time was suffering from many migraine attacks. It felt as if my “battery” was completely down. When we did the energy process, it felt immediately like the battery of the body was charged up, I felt calm and deeply relaxed, peaceful and simply very very well.

Anonymous, Age 35 Switzerland

During the treatment with you, I felt relieved and it took pressure off my shoulders. In the following week I continued to feel relieved and it was possible for me to focus on other issues that are important to me. I would like to thank you again for the treatment.

Anastasia, Age 30 Germany

We live in a world that is characterised by everyday stress. Everyone knows it in one area or another. Be it stress at work, in the family or in a partnership. I also had these experiences in the past, followed by burnout, depression and a serious operation at the beginning of 2022. The stress literally ate me up. Meditation and yoga had been part of me for years - I literally went through all meditation apps. I already knew the basics of meditation. I came across Kriti and meditation by chance in a park in Zurich. After this meditation I noticed a completely different feeling in me. Much peace, contentment and a calm mind. I completed 21 day of the meditation and I can say that this meditation is now like an anchor for me to get through the day well fully energized. It makes me more relaxed, I am able to focus on my needs and well-being and it fuels me with energy and calmness to face all kinds of challenges that we encounter throughout a day.

Compared to other meditations, the process is very simple and visual, but it gives you unimaginable strength and clarity and relaxation to face my stressful daily life with ease. I can only recommend it to anyone who sometimes feels overwhelmed, stressed and pressured by external influences. I also found the Maitri Light with Kriti very personal and beautiful. It was only 20 minutes where I felt I could share my innermost needs with her. The experience was very calming and relaxing. I almost fell asleep afterwards. The next morning I started the day completely relaxed. Since the Maitri Light with Kriti, my anxious states and nervousness have reduced to a minimum. I would recommend it to anyone who wants to work on themselves and finally let go of old beliefs.

Anonymous, Age 40 Spain

I felt peace, a feeling that I can be independent. The crisis I went through opened my eyes, I realised all the things I do for others, but not for myself. Now, the door opened and I am open to it. I want to finally think about myself. I haven't done that often for more than ten years. I have become strong. (...) I think I was lucky to meet you.

Shreya, Age 40 India

“When I met Kriti for the first time I remember being struck by her mesmerizing energy at the first sight. I was facing a lot of suffering and was at the lowest point of my life. She could sense my pain and offered me for a guidance to transformation. I started meeting her then onwards on a regular basis for Maitri light sessions. After every session with her, I experienced sudden changes in my life.. I started feeling positive, happy and hopeful for the first time ever in my life. Positivity started to develop not only in my way of thinking but sudden positive events initiated in my personal life, my professional life and my physical state. It was totally unbelievable and surreal to experience this changes in a short period of interaction with her over a few months in comparison to the difficulties I was facing for multiple years.

Kriti not only gave me comfort but provided me the needed direction and hope to see the light at the end of the tunnel, at the point I needed the most in my life. The most spiritual influence in my life was at the point where I had uprooted myself from spirituality. Kriti as a coach is extremely supportive and takes the required time to provide the needed energy balance. Every interaction with her is full of life, motivating, and cultivating. Her own experiences in this journey enrich her guidance methods with her solid medical background and years of experience in the field. She is a true holistic coach in all senses and I feel lucky to have met her.“

Anonymous, Age 25 Switzerland

Before the energy transfer I had many thoughts in my head, chaotic ones and mostly very negative thoughts. The circling of thoughts kept me busy for several months and kept me up at night. During the day I was “overstimulated” because of the thoughts and the additional stress at work. The only thing that helped me to clear my head and forget my thoughts was physical activity. Doing sports, I forgot everything and could switch off. However, after the energy process I was able to relax completely. The tingling in my back and the restlessness in my legs that I had always felt when I tried to relax did not come. I didn't have any negative thoughts, I felt this positive energy and even a lot of optimism. The warming effect gave me social closeness and had a very calming effect. I was able to relax completely and felt this relaxation for several days afterwards. I am infinitely grateful to you for this positive experience, which has changed a lot in my life for the better. I could write a lot more.

Anonymous, Age 35 Australia

I very much appreciated the energy transfer and meditation. As I mentioned last week, immediately after the session I felt a real sense of calm and clarity. I wanted to be alone and just sit and rest with it. The following week was quite stressful and I felt quite distracted, but I have continued to try to align myself and connect to the power within me. I have noticed some real, concrete things happening for the positive. In general, I am able to center myself much more quickly and bring perspective to life‘s troubles, which has been helpful. But I’m really interested to see the longer term effect of this increased engagement, as some of the short term signs have been quite interesting/amazing! So...let’s see. I’ll continue with an open heart and open mind. I would like to do another session whenever you have time. Thank you once again for sharing your experience and wisdom on this very interesting topic!

Anonymous, Age 25 Columbia

I want to comment and express the spiritual and emotional satisfaction that I felt when I experienced the energy transfer. This great experience helped me to get closer to my spiritual side, giving me tranquility, peace and serenity, reminding me that I must be patient and that time puts everything in the right place. The transfer of energy made me feel calm after a long time. (…) The connection between what we think and what we feel is essential to be in a state of harmony. This experience of the energy transfer I saw myself oriented and guided, I felt supported and understood, I want to thank you for the support you gave me. Sometimes we feel that we can no more, and then we have experiences like this that connect us and make us happy. I am very happy to learn much more and to grow spiritually. Thanks for everything.

Sun, Age 73 Switzerland

I am 73 years old now and a political immigrant in Switzerland. I have made a very big, wrong calculation in my life. I thought I would be here for only a short time and when I left my home country, I did not bring my 7 years old only son with me. But I could not go back and my son grew up with his grandparents. Now he is 45 years old. After I retired, I realized what it must have meant to my son to grow up without a mother and also the joy I myself have missed bringing up a child. Now, I regret it very very much and a couple of times I even thought of ending my life. Then I met Kriti and she told me about the Sambodh Dhyaan meditation and about Transformative Listening. She invited me to prayers with Maitreya Dadashreeji that were organized by MaitriBodh Parivaar and were open for everyone to join on Youtube.

Praying was not something I believed in but these prayers were addressed to anything you consider divine or a higher energy. So I thought of trying. Then through the Sambodh Dhyaan meditation and help of Kriti I started to discover my body, that is my heart, my lungs, every muscle I had in my arms and legs. Amazingly I discovered how hard every muscle of mine had become from the suffering. They had become like cement, or stone. The Sambodh Dhyaan meditation showed me the way to get out of my suffering. I started throwing out this sorrow in me that put me in this miserable, hardened form. With it, my muscles started relaxing. During the meditation there is a part where you realise you are a loving person, a child. Could it be true? I realized that it was right. I was a 73 years old child, I was a loving person. I first had to learn to love myself! But is self love not being selfish? Selfishness is not good. My mother had taught me not to be selfish and to be giving instead. But no. What I experienced with MaitriBodh Parivaar is, self loving and giving goes hand in hand. In reality we are selfish only if we don’t love ourselves. If we love ourselves then we can love other people around us. Was that not the reason I had become political? I wanted to change this selfish world so that people would not suffer and love and respect each other. Through being self loving only one can spread or give the love one finds in oneself.

So in short, through the Sambodh Dhyaan meditation, I am able to free myself from my sorrow by starting to listening to and hearing my own body. Then loving myself to love other people around me. I can not say I am a good student, to be honest. There are still things I have to learn. I cannot see this inner light yet. But I am on this journey. It is a long trip with a happy ending, maybe. Because we all have made mistakes and will continue making them. But at least we can get out of our suffering to enjoy life and nature itself.

Anonymous, Age 40 Switzerland

The session where I could freely talk was good, after a while I found out what the real reason for me worrying all the time was: uncertainty. I felt better after expressing myself and being able to do so without barrier and just let the feelings flow. After the energy process, I felt peace and energy, trying to find a way to myself now and connect back to that moment.

Lucia, Age 42 Slovakia

First time i experienced the energy process last year in june. that time, i was feeling very tired and was suffering from a loss of energy. a few days after the energy process, my body got stronger. i also started with meditations twice a week. after one month, i felt amazing, like a new person. i would recommend it to everyone, because these experiences are real.